How To Curb Sleepiness & Focus In Class


We all been there before, feeling sleepy in the 2nd period of the class and the anguish of trying to keep your eyes open and pretending to be listening to the lecture. And the worse thing is, even if you had a great night of rest, you somehow still find yourself struggling to stay awake during class, so the question is, why do we feel so tired all the time during class?


Well, scientists stated one of the reasons could be due to hormones [1]. During puberty, secondary school students tend to experience hormonal changes which lead to the disruption of their sleep cycle [1]. Another common cause of tiredness can also be due to excessive usage of electronic devices such as smartphones as researchers found that the use of devices for more than 4 hours per day can also affect the human body clock [1].


What should you do when you are feeling sleepy in class? Scientists say that eating sugar or sweet things can help you to stay awake [2]. However, it is extremely unhealthy to be chucking down cans of sugary drink every morning, luckily Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet may be just the thing you need.


Healthy Energy Booster






Generally, all types of sugar can be metabolized and converted into energy in our bodies. However, some sugars are healthier than others. Karihome Goat’s MilK Tablet contains two types of sugar: lactose and glucose. Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar in goat milk that is less sweet as compared to white sugar. Glucose on the other hand, although not as healthy and natural as lactose, is the main source of fuel to our brain, and studies have shown that glucose can enhance alertness which is just the thing you need to get through your day at school [3].



Although common sugar present in carbonated drinks and candies such as sucrose and high fructose corn syrup is much cheaper than other sugars, many studies have associated these sugars with an increased risk of diabetes and obesity. As Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet only contains lactose and glucose, it serves as a good alternative to other, less healthy options of sweets.



Lower In Calories




To preface, Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet isn’t low-calorie candies. However, in comparison to other common choices out there, it is considered one of the less fattening snacks with 10 pieces amounting to merely 37 kilocalories. This is because Goat’s Milk Tablet does not contain sucrose and fructose and it is generally low in sugar. To clarify again, Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet is NOT going to aid weight loss however it just serves as a healthier alternative to satisfy your sweet craving.



Available In 4 Different Variants



Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet is Available in 4 different variants or choices which includes:



Goat’s milk tablet is suitable for children above 1-year-old, teens and adults with a strong liking of sugar, spice, and all thing’s that’s nice!


Get Karihome Goat’s Milk Tablet NOW At:
